FUR HILFE UND BUCHUNGEN: +34 648 895 601

Actividades destacadas

SELECT a.*,b.gctitle as bgctitle,b.gcslug as slug, b.gcincludes as gbcincludes,b.gcdescription as bgcdescription,b.gcitenario as bgcitenario,b.gcimportante as bgcimportante,b.gcrecogida as bgcrecogida,b.gccategory as bgccategory ,b.lang as gclang,b.gccity,b.gccountry,c.cat as cattitle,c.cslug as catslug,d.thumb FROM trips a LEFT JOIN trips2lang b ON a.gcid=b.gcid left join cats c ON b.gccategory = c.id left join images d ON d.fichaid = a.gcid WHERE b.lang='de' AND a.gctype = 0 AND a.gcactive <> 0 AND a.web = 23 GROUP BY a.gcid ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 0,15Array

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